Terms of Use for Price Entry Via Rim Reporters

Terms of Use for Price Entry Via Rim Reporters

Article 1 (Definitions)

Rim Intelligence Co set the following rules to use "the RIM Trading Board", a service provided by RIM.
The service is provided through RIM's website as a part of the RIM Market News which is a paid information service by RIM.

Article 2 (Content of the service)

Through the service, RIM provides functions to see information on trading activities for crude oil, natural gas, oil products and energy products.
It also provides functions to search the information running on the service.
RIM can change the service without any notice and can suspend or abolish a part of the service or all of the service.

Article 3 (Disclaimer)

The credibility of information on the service owes to subscribers' responsibility, thus, RIM bears no responsibility for information posted.
Furthermore, RIM bears no responsibility for any losses stemming from subscribers' use of such information.

Article 4 (Cease of Contract)

RIM has a right to suspend our service to the subscriber, or cancel the subscriber's access to our service,
in case the subscriber's behavior applies to the following cases.

  1. 1.In case the subscriber falsifies the content of Rim's publications.
  2. 2.In case the subscriber breaches the law of Japan, or terms and conditions of Rim's subscription contracts.
  3. 3.In case the subscriber uses our service in an unauthorized manner, or let a third party to use it.
  4. 4.In case the subscriber intervenes into Rim's operations.
  5. 5.In case RIM concludes the subscriber is not appropriate as a contractor to receive our service.

Article 5 (The Terms and Conditions)

RIM may revise the terms and conditions without prior notice.
The revised terms and conditions will come into effect immediately after they are posted on to our website.